Additive Manufacturing Benchmarks 2018

REM has been selected to present at this year’s Manufacturing Benchmarks 2018 (AM-Bench 2018). The first in a series of events focused on validating and improving the accuracy of model predictions and developing universally accepted quantitative measurement approaches for all additive manufacturing (AM) materials and methods.

Symposium: Measurement and Modeling Symposium

Abstract Title: Surface Metrology of Additive Manufacturing Components:
Understanding the Complex Texture of Powder Bed-Based Surfaces

Author: Agustin Diaz

Speaker: Agustin Diaz

Session: Metrology and Uncertainty

Date: 06/20/2018

Time: 2:10 PM – 2:30 PM

Location: NIST Headquarters – West Square

Abstract: AM-produced components present extremely rough textures, and are
packed with significant defects that bias the surface texture profiles obtained with
classical profiling techniques. The aerospace and biomedical industries, as well as several universities and governmental entities (such as NIST) are working together to define and develop proper methods of surface texture characterization for AM-produced components which correlate to the actual\conditions of the AM-produced surfaces. In this paper we will discuss the surface anatomy of AM-components produced by the powder bed techniques. We
will dissect the different types of textures that characterize AM-built components.

We will discuss different profilometry techniques that can be employed to interrogate these surfaces. Based on these techniques, surface texture characterization parameters can be defined using the proper filters, thus generating realistic values. In addition, surface texture components such as form, waviness and roughness will be defined correctly in a case by case
scenario for AM-components.

Jun 18, 2018 - Jun 20, 2018

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Headquarters

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