REM’s ISF® Process
Expectations for a Chemically-Accelerated Super-finishing Process – Part 2/3
In the previous article, we discussed the fact that chemically accelerated/assisted superfinishing, also known as isotropic superfinishing, was introduced into the gear industry more than twenty years ago. Since that time, it has become widely accept...
View MoreAn Overview of Correct Vibratory Bowl Set-Up
Step 2: Media Mass Planes of Motion Media has two planes of motion in the vibratory bowl. The first plane of […]...
View MoreAdditive Manufacturing and Gears
Binder jetting The 3DPC started the tour with binder jetting/binder jet-like companies 3DEO and Desktop Metal. Both companies were a […]...
View MoreIsotropic Superfinishing for Gear Repair for Helicopters and Wind Turbines
Isotropic Superfinishing Isotropic superfinishing is a term that, in the broadest sense, describes any process that is achieves a “superfinish” […]...
View MoreChanges Ahead in the Roughness Standards
I have written numerous articles on tooth flank surface roughness measurement. This is such a page-turner of a subject!...
View MoreMaterials Matter : Roughness Measurement: Optical vs. Contact Stylus Profilometry
Optical profilometry will become an important tool for predicting gear performance with more research and development of an objective lens to fit into tooth spaces....
View MoreMaterials Matter : Roughness Measurement Tips: Calibration, the Razor Blade Test
If a problem is found with a contact stylus profilometer during routine check with a Rubert-Song specimen, do a little troubleshooting before sending it off for calibration and recertification....
View MorePhysical Characteristics of the Vibratory Bowl and How They Affect Processing Efficiency
Vibratory bowls are outfitted with hot-poured polyurethane liners and their durometer hardness is an oft-cited characteristic. But what is durometer hardness and how is it useful?...
View MoreMeasuring Tooth Flank Roughness
Gear performance has continuously increased over the past two decades. Improvements in metals, heat treatments, geometry, and lubrication are just a few of the sources of these improvements....
View MoreSurface Treatment of Powder-Bed Fusion Additive Manufactured Metals for Improved Fatigue Life
High-cycle fatigue (HCF) tests were conducted on samples fabricated by two powder-bed additive manufacturing techniques....
View MoreMaterials Matter : Surface Finishing Rotorcraft Gearing
Rotorcraft gearboxes are designed with the utmost precision to withstand the tremendous demand and loads required to convert thousands of horsepower and RPM into hundreds of RPM and lift torque....
View MoreMaterials Matter : The State of the Art of Wind Turbine Gearboxes
Much has been written here about the global growth in the wind turbine industry. Today, more than 341,320 wind turbines are operating worldwide. In particular, the number of offshore installations has exploded in the past seven years....
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